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OJI Marketing sponsors the New Business Award at the CBAs 2022

OJI Marketing sponsors the New Business Award at the CBAs 2022

OJI Marketing sponsors the New Business Award at the CBAs 2022

We’re proud to be sponsoring the New Business Award at the Cherwell Business Awards 2022.


Now in their tenth year, the awards have become a much-anticipated event on the business calendar. Having established a solid reputation within the North Oxfordshire business community for showcasing and celebrating the achievements of individuals and organisations working within the Cherwell District.


As sponsor of the New Business Award, we are looking for businesses based in the Cherwell district that started trading after the 1st January 2019 and can demonstrate:


  • How start-up was achieved
  • Growth to date
  • Strength and stability of business
  • Understanding of the market in which they operate
  • Vision /Strategy for future development
  • Funding arrangements and investment plans for the business


If you are a New Business, then why not apply today?


The impacts of winning an award can be huge for your business. If you’re not a new business, but know of one who deserves this title then nominate them!


We’d like to celebrate all of the great new businesses in the Cherwell District!


For more information about the award and how to apply, visit the Cherwell Business Awards website.


The deadline for nominations is 15 April 2022 and the application deadline is the 29 April 2022.


During May and June 2022 all applications will be assessed and judged, with the finalists announced in July 2022. Winners will be announced at the prestigious Awards Gala Dinner to be held at Bicester Motion on 16 September 2022.

If you have any questions regarding the New Business Award, feel free to contact Marie Parkinson: 07463994834 or marieparkinson@ojimarketing.co.uk